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Rapper 50 Cent Files For Bankruptcy

50 Cent files for bankruptcy

In case you hadn’t heard yet, rapper 50 Cent has filed for bankruptcy in a Connecticut court. While the Internet has been making punchlines for the last few days since the news broke, most people don’t seem to know the details of the case.

50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis Jackson III, filed for Chapter 11 protection immediately after losing an invasion of privacy case last Friday. He had posted a sex tape on his site with his own audio commentary, and was ordered to pay $5 million in damages.


By |2015-07-20T16:42:57-05:00July 20th, 2015|Bankruptcy, Debt, Personal Finance|

Is Chapter 13 Right For You? [VIDEO]

Bad things happen to good people all the time. If You’ve hit a bump in the road and you’re struggling with overwhelming debt, Chapter 13 bankruptcy might be the answer you’ve been looking for. Our latest video walks you through the basics of a Chapter 13 filing – we can stop collection calls immediately, save your home from foreclosure and your vehicle from repossession.

Call us today at 214-760-7777 for a free, no obligation debt consultation.


By |2022-06-01T11:09:46-05:00May 28th, 2015|Bankruptcy, Debt|

How Will Bankruptcy Affect Your Income Tax Refund?

The most common question we hear at this time of year is “What will happen to my Income Tax Refund if I file bankruptcy?”

IF you’re filing for Chapter 7, it’s likely that your refund will be protected, as it’s considered an asset. IF you’re filing during tax season, your attorney can work with you to be sure you’re maximizing your refund. Many times, we encourage clients to file when they get their refund, as this extra money can be put towards the cost of your case.


By |2015-03-26T14:19:09-05:00March 26th, 2015|Bankruptcy, Debt, Money Management, Videos|

Eliminate Income Tax Debt With Bankruptcy

eliminate income tax debt with bankruptcyIt’s tax season again, which means we’re getting more questions about income taxes and tax debts. Many times, we talk to clients who’re already struggling with overwhelming debt, and the possibility of additional debt to the IRS is incredibly stressful.

The government tightened bankruptcy laws in 2005, but in many cases, it’s still possible to reduce an income tax debt. You’ll definitely want to meet with an experienced bankruptcy attorney who can explain your options and any possible relief you might be able to achieve.

If you’re already being audited, a bankruptcy proceeding won’t stop your audit. It will, however, stop any collection action while the bankruptcy is pending.

If you didn’t file a tax return (or if you didn’t file several), you’re not allowed to discharge any of the debt. Before you file for bankruptcy, your attorney must prove that you filed your four most recent tax returns.


By |2015-03-18T10:42:53-05:00March 18th, 2015|Bankruptcy, Debt|

Is Chapter 7 Right For Me?

If you’re like most Dallas area residents who are struggling with debt, you’re wondering how you’re going to catch up – and if possibly, bankruptcy might help you. Many of our clients call us because they’re not sure how bankruptcy works, or which chapter they should file. Our experienced bankruptcy attorneys will walk through your financial picture, then explain your various options.

If you’re curious about Chapter 7 bankruptcy, our latest video explains the primary difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. If you think that Chapter 7 might apply to your situation, please call us – we’d be glad to help get you the fresh start you deserve.


By |2015-01-30T15:05:04-06:00January 30th, 2015|Bankruptcy, Debt, Videos|

What can bankruptcy do for me?

Are you struggling with overwhelming debt and asking yourself, “What can bankruptcy do for me?” – then our latest video will answer all your questions. We’ve helped hundreds of Dallas area residents by erasing their credit card debt, stopping foreclosures, stopping repossessions, and more. Watch our video for more details about what bankruptcy can do and how it can help you get the fresh start you deserve.


By |2015-01-22T05:39:09-06:00January 22nd, 2015|Bankruptcy, Debt, Videos|

Should You File for Bankruptcy? [VIDEO]

Obviously, this is the most common question we hear from potential clients. Bankruptcy can be intimidating if you don’t know what’s involved – and that’s why we provide free consultation calls to everyone. Everyone who calls gets to talk to Mark, and he’ll take the time to listen to your financial situation and explain your options.


By |2014-06-15T19:37:23-05:00June 15th, 2014|Bankruptcy, Debt|

Eliminating Tax Debt With Bankruptcy

Taxes and BankruptcyIt’s tax day, and that means many Americans are finding out that they owe even more money, thanks to the IRS. We always get questions at this time of year about how filing for bankruptcy will affect a family finances. In our last blog post, we discussed what can happen with any potential tax refunds during bankruptcy, and this time, we’re going to discuss how filing will affect a tax debt.

Even though the government tightened bankruptcy laws back in 2005, you still have the ability to relieve a tax burden. It’s important to meet with a qualified bankruptcy attorney first, so you can walk through the details of your situation and fully understand the possible tax implications or relieve you might receive.


By |2014-04-15T09:57:30-05:00April 15th, 2014|Bankruptcy, Debt, Texas Bankruptcy|
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