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How Will Bankruptcy Affect Your Income Tax Refund?

The most common question we hear at this time of year is “What will happen to my Income Tax Refund if I file bankruptcy?”

IF you’re filing for Chapter 7, it’s likely that your refund will be protected, as it’s considered an asset. IF you’re filing during tax season, your attorney can work with you to be sure you’re maximizing your refund. Many times, we encourage clients to file when they get their refund, as this extra money can be put towards the cost of your case.


By |2015-03-26T14:19:09-05:00March 26th, 2015|Bankruptcy, Debt, Money Management, Videos|

5 Tips to Improve Your Credit After Bankruptcy

rebuilding your credit after bankruptcyMany of our clients are curious about what happens to their credit scores after they file for bankruptcy. In many cases, their scores have already decreased pretty drastically, since their financial hardship made it difficult or impossible to make monthly payments.

Most people think that filing for bankruptcy will destroy their credit indefinitely, but it’s actually not that difficult to repair your credit after filing. As long as you keep your goal in mind and stick to your plan, you’ll be able to rebuild your credit.

A bankruptcy can remain on your credit report for up to 10 years, so it’s important to follow these steps to start building your credit after bankruptcy:

1. Start with your credit report

You won’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. Get a copy of your credit report so you fully understand your current score. You can get a free copy of your credit report every year from the big players (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) at the website. Make sure you check for any errors. (more…)

By |2014-05-15T11:04:20-05:00May 15th, 2014|Bankruptcy, Money Management|

Have Money Management Habits You Can Be Proud Of

Bad habits aren’t things that we’re proud of. The good thing about bad habits, though, is that we can break them. It takes discipline, motivation and commitment, but we can break bad habits.

Changing Money Management Habits

If you have some questionable money management habits, then the first thing you need to do is identify them.

Next, you must write them down. Committing these to paper does a few things. It creates a record of where you started, shows that you’re serious about altering your behavior, and adds accountability to your project to change.

Here’s an example list of poor habits that need to be changed:

My Poor Money Management Habits

  • I rarely save money.
  • I splurge and spend money on things that I don’t necessarily need.
  • I often pay bills after the due date.


By |2012-04-18T10:29:35-05:00April 18th, 2012|Money Management, Personal Finance, Saving Money|
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