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8 Holiday Shopping Tips for 2023 To Avoid Racking Up Debt

holiday shopping tips to help you avoid additional credit card debtThe 2023 holiday shopping season is finally upon us. Notoriously, holiday shopping is one of the largest contributors to increased credit card debt – people get in the holiday spirit and spend much more than they should.

This year, you can shop smarter and still get gifts for everyone on your list, all while avoiding additional credit card debt. With some planning and a little bit of self-control, you won’t have to worry that this year’s holiday shopping season will break the bank. To help lessen the stress of holiday shopping, we put together a list of 8 holiday shopping tips that will help you shop responsibly and avoid adding more credit card debt: (more…)

By |2023-11-30T15:55:55-06:00November 29th, 2023|Personal Finance, Saving Money|

7 Tips for Saving Money and Avoiding Debt


As we’ve mentioned in the past, the easiest way to avoid bankruptcy is to avoid accruing debt in the first place. Millions of Americans live with thousands of dollars in debt, and a single bump in the road like a car accident or the loss of a job can send them spiraling towards uncontrollable debt.

The sooner you form responsible spending habits, the sooner you’ll build a solid foundation that will help avoid the possibility of bankruptcy. If you follow these 7 simple tips, you’ll be able to save money and avoid accumulating debts that you struggle to pay off.

1. Plan all of your meals

Eating out is the biggest monthly expense in most households. If you plan all of your meals each week and cook at home, you’ll save money – and you’ll probably eat healthier as well.


By |2019-09-28T16:37:15-05:00September 28th, 2019|Bankruptcy, Debt, Saving Money|

Have Money Management Habits You Can Be Proud Of

Bad habits aren’t things that we’re proud of. The good thing about bad habits, though, is that we can break them. It takes discipline, motivation and commitment, but we can break bad habits.

Changing Money Management Habits

If you have some questionable money management habits, then the first thing you need to do is identify them.

Next, you must write them down. Committing these to paper does a few things. It creates a record of where you started, shows that you’re serious about altering your behavior, and adds accountability to your project to change.

Here’s an example list of poor habits that need to be changed:

My Poor Money Management Habits

  • I rarely save money.
  • I splurge and spend money on things that I don’t necessarily need.
  • I often pay bills after the due date.


By |2012-04-18T10:29:35-05:00April 18th, 2012|Money Management, Personal Finance, Saving Money|
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