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How To Get Your Free Credit Report and What To Look For

credit cardsIn 2003 the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act was passed, giving you the right to get one free credit report a year from each of the three reporting agencies – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

How To Get Your Free Credit Report

To order your free credit report, you can call 1-877-322-8228 or visit, which was set up by the three agencies in coordination with the Federal Trade Commission.

Don’t try to get a report from any other website, as many are scams that offer “free” reports, scores and other services that really have fine print. These “free” services have trial periods that automatically switch to paid services without alerting you. Other sites only want to collect your personal information. Please be careful and type in the address correctly. is the only official site.


By |2012-05-31T10:31:45-05:00May 31st, 2012|Personal Finance|

Busting the Myth That Bankruptcy Will Hurt Your Credit for 10 Years

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you might want to know if what you hear is true: “I understand that filing for bankruptcy will hurt my credit for 10 years. Is it true?” For those with bad credit, the short answer is no.

“How can that be?” you might ask.

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy or have sought out the advice of a bankruptcy attorney, your credit is most likely already down the drain. You’re in debt up to your ears and have several black marks on your credit report. If this is the case, then there’s no credit for a bankruptcy filing to hurt for the immediate future.

Plus, what really hurts your credit? Not paying your debts.

“But a bankruptcy filing stays on a credit report for up to 10 years.”


By |2012-01-30T11:00:25-06:00January 30th, 2012|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Myths|
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